Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Pictures from San Diego

This is the twin sister to my last post. Also, It's dedicated to my BFF Heather and her cute animal blog! :)

I love animals so much! When I went to the San Diego zoo a few years ago, I wanted to take all the pictures I could get of my favorite animals. It was really hard with those dumb cages in the way. However, I did get some decent ones and looking at them now makes me want to play with a baby panda. Seriously, they are so cute!

Does anyone else get the urge to just let all the animals out of the cages so they can roam free?? :(


  1. OH MY GOSH! that FISHHHHH!!! : () HUUUUUGE LIPS!!! bigger than mine even!!!!!!

  2. hahahaha I LOVE IT!!!! :) We should go to the zoo and let all the animals out! hahaha and that hanging monkey made me laugh sooo hard!!
