Friday, May 13, 2011

Headwrap made from extra fabric

Remember this post? Remember I said I had something else in store from the extra fabric?

Well here it is! (I realize this secret may have been ruined by my header pic... oh well!)

I made a headwrap with the extra scraps leftover from my dress to blouse reconstruction. I'm not gonna lie, I used to think headwraps looked absolutely redonkulous, but after a while they started growing on me and I decided to try it out one day. I used a fabric belt that came with one of my old dresses and wrapped that sucker around my head and what do you know... it looked cute! Also, headwraps are perfect for those days when you wake up late and don't have time to shower. No one will know ;) (oops, guess my secret is out!)

All I did was:
1. cut two long strips, equal widths
 I'm sorry it's so blurry! I thought it was fine on my camera, but now I can obviously see this picture is so blurry it makes me sick! Can you say glasses??

2. sew the short ends together to make one really long strip of fabric
3. fold in half and round off the corners to make a nice edge
 Yikes, this one is blurry too. :/ But, you get the idea.

4. sew the long edges together to make a long tube
5. flip inside out and sew the open end shut
6. wrap on your head and be the coolest chick in town!

This was fun to make and also super fast. So if you have any extra fabric from another project you did, or a fabric belt from an item of clothing, try it out! Comment below and tell me: True or False, Headwraps are awesome and I do/will wear one! Tell me why :)

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